Massage Therapy

Alojore Enterprises LLC offer's a variety of massage services, as we work with different modalities to align your body to keep your life force and spirit in balance. We utilize a holistic approach to integrate psychotherapy to identify current stresses, family dynamics and
exploring past experiences to develop positive life patterns.

Therapeutic Muscle Manipulation

 Therapeutic Muscle Manipulation is carter to the individual and uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help with muscle recovery, improve range of motion and increase flexibility


Cupping therapy is an alternative medicine that involves putting unique cups on the skin. It helps with pain, inflammation, blood circulation and it can be sort of a deep-tissue massage.

Fast Tension Release (FTR)

Fast tension release uses a state-of-the-art massage device called a HyperVolt, to help relieve minor aches and pains and helps ease muscle tension utilizing rapid vibration movement.

Let Your Body Be A Priority!

65 Min Massage


90 Min Massage


Therapeutic Muscle Manipulation



25 Minute Session

20 Minute Session  

 Smooth Heat

Sign up for the plan that fits your Sauna needs perfectly.

1 Person 2 Person
First Time 15 Min $15 $25
20 Mins $25 $40
30 Mins $35 $50


Muscle Escape

$60 A Month

One 65 Minute Massage

1 Free Add-On

$50 per hour Future Massages 

Massage Enhancers


Additional service's  that add extra benefits to your massage 







Benefits of CBD 

Reduce post-workout soreness & muscle fatigue 

Assist with arthritis pain & joint inflammation 

Reduce inflammation 

Pain Reliever 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

Let me know what you need so that I can provide the best solution!
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